The Wombats

The Wombats take #1 on the Alt Nation (siriusxm) to 18 countdown with “Jump Into The Fog”

Check Them Out!

The Wombats are an inde rock band from Liverpool, England. They’re signed to 14th Floor Records. Their latest album is The Modern Glitch featuring Jump Into The Fog, Tokyo (Vampires and Wolves), and Anti-D. 

Tokyo (Vampires and Wolves):

Adam Lazzara Attacked By A Tree?!

This saturday Adam Lazzara of Taking Back Sunday was outside of the studio in Michigan (where he and his band was recording) having a cigarette when a mighty gust of wind knocked a tree over. The tree, which fell out of no where, trapped Lazzara under it and broke his leg. After Lazzara called for help the rest of the Taking Back Sunday crew came to the rescue and tried to lift the tree, but to no avail. The fire department was then called and the tree was cut into small pieces, freeing Lazzara and his broken leg. He was taken to a hospital where they casted up his left leg and bandaged up his right due to a small gash on his ankle. It’s reported that Lazzara will be casted up for about 4-6 weeks.

Photo from Spin Magazine via TMZ

Ensue the jokes about a tree falling on you because smoking is bad for you.

Neil Gaiman Quote (The Kindly Ones)


“Have you ever been in love? Horrible isn’t it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and it opens up your heart and it means that someone can get inside you and mess you up. You build up all these defenses, you build up a whole suit of armor, so that nothing can hurt you, then one stupid person, no different from any other stupid person, wanders into your stupid life…You give them a piece of you. They didn’t ask for it. They did something dumb one day, like kiss you or smile at you, and then your life isn’t your own anymore. Love takes hostages. It gets inside you. It eats you out and leaves you crying in the darkness, so simple a phrase like ‘we’re over’ turns into a glass splinter working its way into your heart. It hurts. Not just in the imagination. Not just in the mind. It’s a soul-hurt, a real gets-inside-you-and-rips-you-apart pain. I hate love.”

-Neil Gaiman (The Kindly Ones)

Taking Back Sunday Album Review

Although it’s been out for awhile this is a review of Taking Back Sundays latest album: Taking Back Sunday. I am not a stranger to Taking Back Sunday, I have been listening to them for quite a few years. I can still remember purchasing my first TBS CD, Louder Now, thinking I was pretty hard core(I was young and naive). I was pretty into them, listening to New Again to and from school, but none of those albums can compare to the awesomeness of Taking Back Sundays self titled album.

From the first song to the last, from the catchy guitar intro of El Paso to the last somber notes of Call Me In The Morning this CD had me up on my feet, thrashing about my room, singing in front of my mirror, my hair whipping around my face and feeling as if a big weight had been lifted of my shoulders, if just for those 39 minutes and 21 seconds.

For those of you who have heard their last albums and are skeptical about their sound being different from Louder Now or New Again, Taking Back Sunday are still the same band. It was almost as if something clicked inside them, someone unlocked the door and they got lose out of their cage. There’s so much continuous energy with this album that keeps you rocking out from track to track, with a few seconds for a breather in some spots. Although nothing compares to a live concert, crank these tunes up loud enough in an elevator full of people, start a mini-mosh pit and you’ll sure be close.

One of the most important things that made this a number one album for me is that it made me feel unashamed to feel. It made me feel unashamed to let lose and be myself, and to be a little weird and out of control sometime. Even Call Me In The Morning, the slowest song on the album, was so beautifully done that I wanted to listen to it over and over again.

Top 5 favorite songs from this album:

  • Track 2: Faith (When I Let You Down)
  • Track 7: This Is All Now
  • Track 8: It Doesn’t Feel A Thing Like Falling
  • Track 10: You Got Me
  • Track11: Call Me In The Morning

xoxo BK

Hey Everybody!

Hey everyone, I would like to welcome you to my blog, Keeping It Ugly. This is a blog about band photography and art. And while in the real world I hope to help actual bands (no matter how small, they’re still a band!) I also like working on graphics for other people whether it be backgrounds or facebook covers. Most of these will be of bigger bands/artists/books but they’re here for you to use, none the less.

I hope you enjoy this blog and all it has to offer. If you have any questions or comments please feel free to contact me!

xoxo BK